2024-03-14 09:30:00
2024-03-14 09:30:00
Date post:

The phenomenon of drug spread among young people, its effects on society, and methods of prevention and treatment
Under the patronage of the Honorable President of the University of Basra, Professor Dr. Muhannad Jawad Kazem, and under the supervision of the Honorable Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Al-Zahra, Professor Dr. Mazen Hawaz Abdul Redha, and the Assistant Professor, Dr. Jawad Ramadan, Assistant Dean of Scientific Affairs, the Honorable Al-Zahraa College of Medicine, in coordination with the Center for Development and Continuing Education, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit
Seminar entitled
The phenomenon of drug spread among young people, its effects on society, and methods of prevention and treatment
Teaching lecturer at Al-Zahraa College of Medicine
Dr. Abbas Jumaa
Psychiatry Specialist (Arab Board)
Director of the Drug Control Unit at the University of Basra
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Location: Al-Zahraa College of Medicine (Hall Complex 2)
Time: 9:30:00 am
The invitation is general and appreciated