Vision, mission and objective

Our Vision is ...........................................................

To achieve excellence in medical education and to be an internationally accredited medical college. This will improve the health status of the population through graduating physicians who are scientists and scholars, showing professional attitudes, and are competent as medical practitioners, with emphasis on life-long learning, critical thinking, and humanitarian and ethical approach. This will be achieved through preparing a scientific environment that fosters integrated, student-centered medical education attracting national and international students, the amazing research programs that are compatible with the health needs of the community, and the distinguished care and services that are the ultimate goal of all of this is the benefit of the patient.


  • Produce skilled medical students to prepare new doctors for better health care.
  • Achieve excellence in medical education and for the Faculty of Medicine to be an internationally accredited medical College.

The objective

  1. Graduating safe and competent doctors by providing results-based medical education that enables medical students to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the healthcare system and respond to the health needs of the community.
  2. To provide patient-centered care, with an emphasis on a compassionate approach through the application of effective communication skills, and humanitarian and ethical principles in all aspects of medical practice.
  3. The College will support distinct lines of research aimed at solving problems related to health, patient care, medical and biomedical sciences, and medical education.
  4. Preparing the necessary infrastructure for a scientific environment that supports learning based on long-term problem-solving, promotes innovative achievements, and encourages exchange and partnership programs.