A virtual meeting of the disease mechanism module was held at 8:30 pm on 11/29/2020 on the Zoom platform

ِA virtual meeting of the disease mechanism module was held at 8:30 pm on 11/29/2020 on the Zoom platform, with the participation of  Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Jawad Ramadan and all the module's staff represented
 Bad.sadiq Khalaf / Module Administrator
Dr. Iman Abdel-Hadi / Module Administrator Assistant
And the rest of the module members
Dr. Ihsan Mardan / First Stage Official
Dr. Ghada Latif
Dr. Wasan Mansour
The following matters have been discussed
Themes of the meeting:
1. Preparing for the New Year
2. Review the module’s content and if there is a proposal for any amendment
3. Adapting the material and teaching methods to suit the stage variables
4. Module needs (human resources, financial means)
5. Suggest extracurricular subjects